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Lose Weight and Gain Health!

When you try to loose weight with inappropriate and half knowledge on food and diet you end up loosing health. A generation of Americans is still trying to recover from diet wars. Figuring out what to eat and how to clean up one’s diet has become a huge task for them.

Millennial population starves in order to maintain health or just out of sheer urge to have a picture perfect waistline. They have perhaps forgotten how important and wonderful it is to have a delicious meal with friends and family. Though undoubtedly this century consists of lot of supplements, processed food and junk in disguise of “healthy and organic food” which has proven to be the worst in terms of healthy diet.

We can actually say this, “ in America there isn’t shortage of food, but shortage of healthy food.” The nutrition, dietary and cosmetic industry have created myths and manipulated all of us in way that we end up having unrealistic expectations from our body and ironically deteriorate our health in order to gain “ a perfect body”.

It is crucial to encourage healthy eating and talk about food holistically. Food is our biological, social, psychological and physiological need which sums up to a large portion of our bodily composition and major factor in our daily lifestyle. How about making an unorthodox decision of simply enjoying food again?

Yes let us make a new trend, which is shunning deprivation diet. Let us not be an urban broke and invest more in basic needs like food and shelter. Because how much ever you try, eating is non negotiable and in that case why not change our dietary pattern and simple enjoy what we eat without feeling guilty about solid items we consumed.

Lot of people crave for products that are generally unhealthy like sodas, bakery items, fried food and much more. For them I will say do not restrict yourself from the pleasure you get out of eating what you like, just try to control the portion. Splitting your calorie intake between several small meals is healthier as it ensures that our body receives a steady stream of energy throughout the day. Eating several smaller meals also prevent hunger pangs and this will reduce your temptation to snacks. Eat smart in order to eat more.

Also it is very important to overcome couple of myths when it comes to diet and nutrition. Not all carbs make you fat. However carbs from sodas, candies and pastries will cause you to pile on the pound, but complex carbs from food like oats, brown rice and dal (lentil) provides energy and play a vital role in overall health and fitness. Do not compromise on dairy products. Milk and cheese are excellent source of calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin D is the most undervalued nutrition in the world since most people assume they are getting enough from the sun, which is indeed not true. True value of milk is in the enzymes it contains, which boosts immune system. Sugar is not bad excessive sugar is bad. Every sweetener has its own benefits. In fact brown rice syrup, honey, maple syrup all these are really sweet in taste and are actually good for your body too.

If you wish to loose weight instead of cutting down on food try to create calorie deficit in the body which means loose more calories than you consume. This can happen by exercising. There is no alternative to physical exercise if you wish to maintain good health. Combination of proper exercise, diet and sleep is the most common yet undermined secret of healthy living.

Henceforth my suggestion is avoid starving and avoid over exercising they wont take you any near to your illusion of “perfect body”. Just try to enjoy each meal and thank god who put you at the receiving end because there is no such pleasure as eating food you like.

Bon appetite ……


Shaiva Pandya is an accomplished author and a versatile content writer, based in Melbourne, Australia. Hailing a master’s degree in media and communications from The Parsons University in New York, USA, she channels her creativity as a Web Content Manager at a leading advertising agency in Melbourne.

Articles: 38

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